The Longest Journey is the incredible story of two young Italian women whose greatest desire was to do good in the world. They entered convents and became Catholic nuns, but over time they found this path leading them away from fulfilling their desire to help the poor and to give true spiritual sustenance.
Many decades later, on a sunny afternoon, one of the women heard a voice from the wilderness, a simple radio broadcast that would change both of their lives forever. The message pointed toward a different path, one that led to true freedom, but would require them to make an agonizing decision.

If you experience difficulty viewing the film, click HERE.

Para ver en Español.

18 thoughts on “Home

  1. Mark ? Vowels

    Very compelling! These dear ladies turn from sorrow to joy and from deceit to freedom in their tremendous testimony to grace! May the Lord use this to instruct Evangelicals and to liberate Catholics.

    Mark Vowels, director of missions, Bob Jones University

    1. admin Post author

      You have caught the intent of this film: to instruct Evangelicals and to liberate Catholics. Thank you so much for seeing and hearing this. Feel free to use it with your students.

  2. liz elias

    Wow!!! Great job! It is amazing the way that the Lord works in the lives no matter what they do beleive. Praise the Lord!

  3. Belinda

    Thanks so much. I remember many years ago hearing of these dear ladies and praying for them. How exciting to see the Lord’s Victory in their lives.

  4. Tim W.

    Wonderful and so glorifying to our Lord. This needs to be translated into Spanish so that it can be understood in Latin America and Spain. May the Lord continue to use these testimonies to liberate many from the ensnaring power of religion.

  5. Norma Moetensen

    My own grandfather, Rev. Frank Picciotti’s story is very similar. He fled Italy as a young man, and came to America. He too, had not been exposed to the Bible. After his conversion, he attended Union Seminary in NY and returned to Italy as a missionary and converted his mother. Loved the video!

  6. Marco Ticci e Lucia Luconi

    Sono veramente felice di vedere finalmente realizzato questo video !! gloria a Dio ! il Signore è grande e benedica la vita di Annamaria e Cristiana per la loro testimonianza ! Un saluto dall’Italia e da Firenze.
    Possa il signore usare questo per diffondere la Sua Parola a quanti ancora non la conoscono.

  7. Robin Mucerino

    “The Longest Journey” is truly one of the most inspiring films I have ever watched. I feel newly energized to reach Catholics in my community and family. Only in eternity will you know how this film has affected so many and therefore brought many to Christ! Thank you!

  8. admin Post author

    Thank you, Robin, for your encouraging words. You have expressed one of the two goals we have for the film – energizing Christians to reach their friends and family members who don’t know about the wonderful freedom from the binding chains of “religiosity” found in salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Please avail yourself of every opportunity to share this message.

  9. Pingback: Annual Missions Conference 2014 » Hardingville Bible Church

    1. admin Post author

      You may order it through the site from or you can download it. We are happy for you to share it with others.


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